Reference Library: Fish

Offspring sensitivity to ocean acidification changes seasonally in a coastal marine fish

  • Posted on: Wed, 03/30/2016 - 12:57
  • By: petert

 Experimental assessments of species vulnerabilities to ocean acidification are rapidly increasing in number, yet the potential for short- and long-term adaptation to high CO2 by contemporary marine organisms remains poorly understood. We used a novel experimental approach that combined bi-weekly sampling of a wild, spawning fish population (Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia) with ...

Effects of ocean acidification on the calcification of otoliths of larval Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

  • Posted on: Wed, 03/30/2016 - 12:12
  • By: petert

The growth and development of the aragonitic CaCO3 otoliths of teleost fish could be vulnerable to processes resulting from ocean acidification. The potential effects of an increase in atmospheric CO2 on the calcification of the otoliths were investigated by rearing Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. larvae in 3 pCO2 concentrations—control (370 µatm), medium (1800 µatm) ...

Meta-analysis reveals negative yet variable effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms

  • Posted on: Wed, 03/30/2016 - 12:01
  • By: petert

Ocean acidification is a pervasive stressor that could affect many marine organisms and cause profound ecological shifts. A variety of biological responses to ocean acidification have been measured across a range of taxa, but this information exists as case studies and has not been synthesized into meaningful comparisons amongst response ...

Impacts of ocean acidification on marine organisms: quantifying sensitivities and interaction with warming

  • Posted on: Tue, 03/29/2016 - 18:06
  • By: petert

Ocean acidification represents a threat to marine species worldwide, and forecasting the ecological impacts of acidification is a high priority for science, management, and policy. As research on the topic expands at an exponential rate, a comprehensive understanding of the variability in organisms' responses and corresponding levels of certainty is ...

Effect of ocean acidification on marine fish sperm (Baltic cod: Gadus morhua)

  • Posted on: Tue, 03/29/2016 - 16:08
  • By: petert

Ocean acidification, as a consequence of increasing marine pCO2, may have severe effects on the physiology of marine organisms. However, experimental studies remain scarce, in particular concerning fish. While adults will most likely remain relatively unaffected by changes in seawater pH, early life-history stages are potentially more sensitive – particularly the ...

Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes

  • Posted on: Tue, 03/29/2016 - 16:02
  • By: petert

Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) is altering the seawater chemistry of the world’s oceans with consequences for marine biota. Elevated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) is causing the calcium carbonate saturation horizon to shoal in many regions, particularly in high latitudes and regions that intersect with pronounced hypoxic ...

Effects of elevated CO2 in the early life stages of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, and potential consequences of ocean acidification.

  • Posted on: Sat, 03/26/2016 - 14:27
  • By: petert

The limited available evidence about effects on marine fishes of high CO2 and associated acidification of oceans suggests that effects will differ across species, be subtle, and may interact with other stressors. This report is on the responses of an array of early life history features of summer flounder (Paralichthys ...

Ocean and coastal acidification off New England and Nova Scotia

  • Posted on: Sun, 02/21/2016 - 15:47
  • By: petert

This Oceanography paper discusses ocean and coastal acidification processes specific to New England coastal and Nova Scotia shelf waters and reviews current understanding of the biological consequences most relevant to the region. It also identifies key research and monitoring needs to be addressed and highlight existing capacities that should be ...
